Community Resources

This Community Resource list is a list made by our very own speech therapists and made up of doctors, groups, and clinics that may be able to assist your child in other areas as well.

Cognizant Group

The Cognizant Group believes that every body is capable of functioning beyond current circumstances. Their approach expands the body’s physical and mental capabilities by integrating NeuroMovement, Comprehensive Counseling, Functional Nutrition and Wellness Coaching.

Learn more by clicking this link: Cognizant Group


Hope for Healing

Hope for Healing is a collaborative care team partnering with you on your wellness journey, whether you are a patient or parent. Your story, your voice, and your genetics reveal a road map that guides us in co-creating a wellness plan that is sustainable and life-giving.

Learn more by clicking this link: Hope for Healing


West Houston Counseling Center

West Houston Counseling Center is a highly diverse, highly trained, and fully accessible therapy practice. We are dedicated to serving our community by providing authentic, highly trained, experienced and caring therapists. Our clinicians are able to serve clients through the lifespan and with a vast array of needs.

Learn more by clicking this link: West Houston Counseling Center